Disagreements not Fatal

As much as we may pursue peace, and as positive and tactful as we may be, there will still be occasions when disagreements arise. As one wag put it, “Life ain’t no exact science,” which brings me to the first two of four facts with which everyone (well, most of us) would agree. I will share the second two facts tomorrow.


Disagreements are inevitable. I have written about the value of variety and the importance of individuality and personality. The downside of that is it leaves the door open for differing opinions. I say downside only because those inevitable differences can lead to strong disagreements. There will be opposing viewpoints and a variety of perspectives on most subjects. Tastes differ as well as preferences. That is why they make vanilla and chocolate and strawberry ice cream, why they build Fords and Chevys, Chryslers and Cadillacs, Hondas and Toyotas. That is why our nation has room for Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and liberals—and moderates. The tension is built into our system. It is what freedom is all about, including religious freedom. I am firm in my theological convictions, but that doesn’t mean you (or anyone) must agree with me. All this explains why I place so much importance on leaving “wobble room” in our relationships. One’s theological persuasion may not bend, but one’s involvements with others must. Pastor/teachers are especially in need of leaving “wobble room” if they hope to relieve steam from inevitable tensions.


Even the godly will sometimes disagree. When I was younger, I had difficulty with this one. I couldn’t understand how two people who loved the Lord with equal passion and who believed the Bible with equal zeal could come to different conclusions. In my two-by-four mind I was convinced that all godly minds held to identical conclusions. Not so! To my amazement, I soon discovered that there were not only various opinions on the same subject, but that God had the audacity to bless those who disagreed with me. I believe it was Dr. Bob Cook, while he was president of The King’s College, who wisely said, “God reserves the right to use people who disagree with me.” I’ll go one step further, for I am now convinced that God is not nearly so narrow as many of His people are. I find that God is much easier to live with than most of His followers . . . far more tolerant, certainly full of more grace and forgiveness than all of us are.


Unlike us, when He forgives, He forgets the transgression and removes it as far as east is from west. Perhaps you have heard of the man who loved the Lord, but he couldn’t seem to conquer a sin. Time and again through the week he would come before the Lord and confess the same transgression. In all sincerity, he would tell God how much he hated what he had done and how grateful he was for God’s grace in forgiving him. Wouldn’t you know it, by Saturday of that same struggling week he was back on his knees: “Here I come again, Lord, with the same sin . . . asking Your forgiveness and claiming Your cleansing.” To his surprise, he heard God’s audible answer: “What sin?”


There will be no denominations in heaven, no categories of Christians—only the vast company of the saints, and only then will there be perfect harmony of heart and complete unanimity of agreement. Until then, count on it, even the godly will disagree.


Chuck Swindoll – Grace Awakening

25 thoughts on “Disagreements not Fatal”

  1. Sigh…I’ve battled on too many insignificant hills. everybody gets shot up on those kind of unauthorized (by the Lord) battles. Good thing Dee dismissed church, I would have jumped into the fray…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know what you mean, Gary, my friend. It was as I have grown older that I became wise enough, or exhausted enough to choose my battles carefully. There are many hills now I find I’m just not going to bother to fight on.
      And as far as “jumping into the fray” here, you are welcome anytime, my friend.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Well, if I had to get confused with another, you are a good candidate G.W. You think now I will be able to write poems? LOL. g

    I struggled with this issue when I first came to WordPress. In our work, we sort of fancy ourselves to be the keepers of correct doctrine; I am good with that, as somebody has to stand for what is correct. The problem is, despite what we might like to say, there, in fact, is wiggle room. So, in the past, I have tended to not wiggle much, as it is what I have always known. I have come to learn that people can believe fairly wide and nobody is a heretic. Of course some things are heresy, but most are not. That doesn’t mean I have to go to church with a fellow, but I also don’t have to part ways with him either.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I understand your meaning, Wally. When I came to WordPress I first started out by teaching verse by verse books of the bible the way I was used to doing pulpit and classroom. But I found that I would sometimes be challenged in obscurities and minutiae, running me down rabbit trails. I realized it had much to do with words-in-print alone. Without voice inflections, facial expression and hand movement, as in live audience many of my words here were taken wrong. I decided I would have to try something new for me, and that was to expand my teaching methods here on WordPress. I began expanding the meaning of doctrine and theology into stories, metaphor, and anthropomorphisms. That I knew could take me into areas where I would have to be very careful to keep my “isms” in close check that I wasn’t wandering too close to the edge of bible truth and correct doctrine. I am careful also about when somebody new adds me to their follow list that I don’t assume they are where I am concerning position of doctrine and bible truth.
      All that to say I have followed you long enough to know your positional doctrine is very close to that which mine always has been, also. I have found that SlimJim and Fran Rogers are very close to my position of theology and doctrine, also. I just take a different approach; which I find broadens the net for “bringing in the sheaves” so-to-speak between the four of us, and others like us, whose names escape me at the moment.
      Anyway, keep up the good work, Wally. I enjoy reading your posts, as I have for a long time now.
      Sorry for such a long reply. I didn’t mean to make a whole blog post out one comment answer.

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      1. Wellllllllllllll, it’s sort of your blog, so I suppose if you want to write a post in a comment, you can do as you please LOL. Yes, one has to be careful. I actually wrote on another blog once, sort of a collaborative effort where I was the token conservative Evangelical. Some said it was a bad idea, and it turns out they were correct, as the blog descended into completete heresy eventually. Ugh…lesson learned on that one. And thanks for your kind words, G.W.

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