Thursday Morning

An early morning waking thought on a significant Thursday.

Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday)

It is a day of confusing emotions. It is the day Jesus washes the feet of His closet disciples during the last supper with them before going to the cross the following day, Good Friday. He shares much confidential information with them, encouraging and giving final instructions. This time takes place from Chapter 12 to Chapter 17 in the Gospel of John.

During this time, He declares them more than servants. They are now His friends. For servants aren’t told the plans of the Master. Still, Jesus is now telling them everything in plain language that they know all things coming to pass so they may not fear when the following few days’ events come about.

He tells them He is going back to the Father, and they will follow later, for they know the way. Protesting, they say they don’t know where He is going, so how can they know the way. He explains He is the way, the truth, and the life. Nobody can come to the Father but by Him. He explains He goes away to prepare a place for them (and those who follow after them who believe because of the good news these spread concerning Jesus.) The last supper is a very intimate time of the conversation between Jesus and His closest followers. Unfortunately, it is also the night that one of them slips out to betray the Lord to those who want to arrest and kill him on the cross. Therefore, the Last Supper extended into Good Friday is a very active last hour on the earth for the Lord.

However, the activity is a transitioning phase of the earthly introductions of the kingdom of God. It moves to the eternal focus of the Lord’s death, burial, and resurrection. Plus, a future return to earth as reigning King of His rightful possession for all eternity. The fruition of the initial stage is coming to a close. The last battle for the final victory is just beginning.

It is a fast-moving time of mixed feelings. One of a particular joy of growing closeness as a small group with the Lord and a deepening sadness of understanding the Master’s imminent departure.


Almighty God and Father,

Help us remember all things You brought about at this time of enormous change upon the earth and for all time. Help us not forget that You are still with us during this ongoing process and the joy to come at the journey’s end when our Lord returns. Amen!


6 thoughts on “Thursday Morning”

  1. Thank you and God bless you, join me in commemorating the most extraordinary event that marked the course of the history of humanity, and as God through his son Jesus redeemed us and has given us eternal life, we unite our hearts as the people of God for the memory of the One who is Life in our hearts, be the Glory and honor it forever for Him….📖💎

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      1. God bless you, We thank God for everything and for your salvation through Christ Jesus, let us celebrate with joy his resurrection, and let us humble our hearts to the one who gave us the opportunity to recover what Adam lost in the Garden of Eden, Christ the Son of God Restored all things and today we can say and always will say, Thank you Lord Jesus for the opportunity of Salvation that we have in you and to be able to remain in you who are the Truth, The Way and the Life..📖💎

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  2. Hindsight, Jesus gave them the full details yet knew they would catch what that actually meant. In one sense he knew they needed to experience the confusion and doubt to experience and understand the fullness of the salvation plan of God. One of the greatest reasons for knowing the resurrection happened is the change in the disciples that cannot be explained any other way. A great synopsis G W

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