Wild as a Beast

This poem was written and included in his first published book of poetry titled “Souls in Bondage.” C.S. Lewis was nineteen years old, recuperating from wounds received in the trenches of WW I. He was also beginning his recovery from atheism, moving to skepticism. Then, making his way to theism and finally back to Christ, where he found his true power in words articulating his contemplations and experiences in Jesus Christ through a variety of genres. [G.W.]

This lost soul looked them over one and all,

Now sickening at the heart’s root; for he knew

This night was one of those when he would fall

And scream alone (such things they made him do)

And roll upon the floor. The madness grew

Wild as a beast, but still his brain was clear

That he could watch the moment coming near.


“And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment,” (Heb. 9:27)

 “But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve,” (Joshua 24:15) [choose carefully, reader, for it is the final seal of your eternal soul.]

8 thoughts on “Wild as a Beast”

  1. That is an interesting picture of the beasts. May the Lord help us all through each day and night. I don’t always feel like I’m living up to my testimony in Christ, but God will be the final judge. Thanks for the light you share in your corner of life.

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  2. A powerful picture your words have painted GW! May the Holy Spirit use it to touch the hearts of readers and may they stop and weigh carefully their choice and the eternal seal they have chosen.

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