Power in Peace

Haiku #1.3_Power


Power spoken

Creation awoken

Truth is in motion.




Photo: “Full Buck Moon” – July 5, 2020 –  ©gw collins

‘And God said, “Let there be light.” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness’ Gen. 1:3-4


The Full Moon in July is the Buck Moon, named after the new antlers that emerge from a buck’s forehead around this time of the year.

This year the ‘Buck Moon’ was made more prominent by the planets Saturn and Jupiter rising with and above the moon, to the left and right, respectively.

I was getting ready to retire for the night when I noticed through my window this brilliantly bright moon just beginning to rise through the trees. It was framed by two of the brightest stars (planets) I have seen in a long time – Jupiter and Saturn – rising above. I couldn’t contain my excitement. I grabbed my camera and hastened out onto my veranda and began clicking pics.

Staying up into the wee hours of the morning, I continued following the progression of movement with photo shots of the moon’s rise until some hazy clouds drifted in obscuring the planets’ view, although the haze spread a most striking moon glow across a wider range of sky.

The LORD certainly knows how to stage a perfect symphony of light, and I thank Him with a full and glad heart. ~gw

The grace and peace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.


9 thoughts on “Power in Peace”

  1. Thank you for sharing that moment with us in both Haiku and in picture!
    When I reached the end of your post and read “The LORD certainly knows how to stage a perfect symphony of light, and I thank Him with a full and glad heart,” I wanted to break out in applause for our Lord is the Master artist, Master musician, Master writer, and Master director and it is such a humbling privilege to witness the works of His hand.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. A big AMEN, to that, Beth! You said it so well when you said, “it is such a humbling privilege to witness the works of His hand.” It truly is a humbling privilege! If I hadn’t looked out that particular window before going to bed I would have missed it all. I’m sure that was His personal invitation to me, because earlier in the spring I was hoping I could get a few good photos of a full moon, not knowing of any schedule. And the LORD was listening! God is So GOOD! Thank you for your gracious comment.

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    1. Thank you, Crissy. It was truly a gift from the Lord. The heavens absolutely do declare the glory of God!
      Precious moments seeing of the Lord His handiwork displayed for our pleasure are memories worth cherishing!
      Grace and Peace, Crissy! May you have a truly blessed week of the Lord! 🙏😊

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    1. Amen, Gary! It certainly has me looking up more often now. Even watching photogenic cloud formations, light/dark contrast in cloud movement. Might be I could catch His descent unawares. But of course I’d have to leave the camera behind. Fair enough trade, I would say. The beauty of His creation is everywhere!

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