A Quiet Hope

“We were soldiers then, and young.”

I was very young. Eighteen in March, 1965. I served in Germany until February, 1966. I was transferred from Germany to “A restricted overseas area.” Vietnam from February 1966- April 1967. I’m not in this video. The majority of those having the “Vietnam experience” are not either. The video is a small representation. I experienced my first personal communication from the Lord on my way to Vietnam. He didn’t stop His communication and my relationship with Him began growing slowly over my lifetime. His healing followed with me throughout. Trust in the Lord takes time. At this point of time my trust in Him is unquestioning. But it has been a long journey of many trials and healings.

We were young then. We are old now. And many of us are in wonder that we made it this far through a long life.

“What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? 25 Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Romans 7:24-25 ~GW


This is the testimony of seven Vietnam veterans who talk openly about their experience in the Vietnam War. They speak of their innocence and how they had to face fear, pain, and guilt. Through their own words and tears, they offer a complete and total healing to other Vietnam veterans and their families through the love of Jesus Christ. Some speakers include: Pancho Juarez, Gary Ruff, Ron Wilkins, and Raul Ries.

There and Back Again

8 thoughts on “A Quiet Hope”

    1. Thank you for watching, David. It’s true that God’s work in His is a lifetime of His working. I’m so thankful for His patience as we learn to follow Him. As well as all the attributes that define the Majesty of His Presence.
      Blessings to you!

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    1. Get the hound of heaven on him, Gary. Maybe God has another story for you to tell, too. It would be nice to hear of another “brand plucked from the fire.” A jeep gunner. Now that does sound familiar.

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  1. Thank you GW! First for your service; second for sharing your testimony about how the Lord personally met you in that place and has walked with you since; third for sharing a video that helped me better understand the decisions of my late father-in-law who was a career Marine and served in Vietnam.

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