Morning Comes

Volcanic Eruption – Mt. Etna, Sicily, Italy

I hurt!

Deep, I hurt!

Dull ache, sharp pain

Burning like fire.

Subsides, short sleep

Explosive fire awakening.

Terror, pain, burning fire again.

Now gone, now here

Angry, frustration, torment, so not necessary,

WHY WON’T YOU HELP ME? Anger’s accusation.

Came a whisper, a calm piercing, an embrace of love.

“I do not owe anything to you.

I do this because I love you deeply, completely.

Infinitely deeper than your momentary pain resides”

Sorrow, shame, deep, deep remorse – humility – repentance.

Tears of shame, I descend into a deep tunnel, a soft peaceful sleep of love.

Morning come,

Bright sun reflection bounces from soft fallen snow through window softly.

Morning come, painless day. Pain gone away, healing to stay –

Soft peace, love’s touch.

Morning comes – to stay.


For his anger is but for a moment,

and his favor is for a lifetime.

Weeping may tarry for the night,

but joy comes with the morning. Psalm 30:5 ESV


Note. The Lord healed me of an acute, chronic stomach ulcer the doctors could only treat. I was twenty-nine years of age and suffered for ten years when He hearkened to my cry. I was there. He was there. We were alone together when He touched me and healed that of which the doctors could only treat. His love healed me.

My Savior. He saves me everyday to carry on to completion. Each morning awakened anew, one day closer to the day of fulfillment of my salvation. Much closer than the day I first began.


~ “Those who have never rebelled against God or at some point in their lives shaken their fists in the face of heaven, have never encountered God at all.” -Catherine Marshall

11 thoughts on “Morning Comes”

  1. A great Poem and testimony G.W. Some day we will wake up in our house to our daughter singing rather than being in pain. I dream of it…we don’t know what will happen or even know the fullness of purpose in this short lifetime

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    1. Thanks, Gary. Your daughter is one strong lady with all she’s been through. I have a feeling her reward will be great in heaven. You and your wife, also. 🙏

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