


One speaking, one listening

One listening, one speaking

Questions asked, answers given

Answers given, questions asked.

Turn-about is fair play.

The one should be done,

Without forsaking the other.

But of the two, 

Listening is the better

While responding into action.



“It is written in the prophets, ‘AND THEY WILL ALL BE TAUGHT OF GOD.’

Everyone who has listened to and learned from the Father, comes to Me.” John 6:45


“Listened and learned.” The active response is a critical expectancy for anything that follows those few words. 

Asking more questions, getting more answers.

Does this sound as Bible study applied? Prayer/Devotions/Meditation/Reflection/Investigation. Doing.

Layer by layer, here a little there a little. Becoming closer to the Father and the Son, with tutelage from the Spirit of Jesus. Growing from Grace to Grace.

All as the Spirit reveals answers and questions into the inner ear of our soul.

It is all so very known while wrapped in the secret garden of Prayer.

Are you ready, or ready to be made ready? Do you need a call to return? If so, may this be that call?

Possibly not. Perhaps this is even now your existing practice. Hallelujah!

And keep passing the Spirit-given ammunition!

Keeping a dogged persevering determination in the Lord is so important in these times and the times to come.

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. Isa. 26:3

9 thoughts on “Communication”

  1. The point I most needed to hear was “Keeping a dogged persevering determination in the Lord is so important in these times and the times to come.” Thank you for this exhortation GW! Over this last year I can almost tangibly feel the darkness pressing in, leaving me tired, discouraged and luring me into a state of apathy. The spiritual battle is real! Hallelujah, Jesus is the victor. That said, I needed a good kick in the pants to remind me to be doggedly determined in pursuing the Lord.

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    1. Thank you, Beth. The many like-minded who are aware of the increasing battle, such as you and I and others, feel much the same way. The attack against our spirit is growing. We need our Anchor affixed within. Jesus first coming was spiritually attacked mainly by an increase in demonic possession, it seems. This time it appears it is more subtle but more insidious.
      Our minds, emotions, and wills are being undermined. We need to keep this perspective. I believe that it will take determination to keep going with our trust in Jesus increasingly solidified in our minds, emotions, and will. That would mainly mean not letting up and down days distract us from the final sure outcome. And, of course, regular, and targeted prayer as we are led. Writing these thoughts or insights helps reinforce them within me also.

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